Nordic Statistics
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Economic key figures
Foreign direct investment
National accounts
NAAC01: National accounts, supply and demand, million euro by reporting country, national accounts indicator, unit and time
NAAC02: Real gross domestic product annual growth by reporting country and time
NAAC04: Gross domestic product in PPS/euro by reporting country, unit and time
NAAC05: Gross value added (ESA2010) by reporting country, activity, unit and time
NAAC08: Employment by activity by reporting country, unit, activity, type of employment and time
NAAC11: Final consumption expenditure of households in million euro by reporting country, product group, unit and time
Environment and energy
Geography and climate
Integration and migration
International trade
Labour market
Nordic Gender Equality Indicators
Nordic Indicators for our Vision 2030
Prices and Consumption
Public finance
Science and technology
Social integration and income